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Professor of Law
University of Southern California

Widely recognized as a leading authority on Chinese tech regulation, Angela Huyue Zhang has written extensively on this topic. She is the author of Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism: How the Rise of China Challenges Global Regulation published by the Oxford University Press in 2021. The book was named one of the Best Political Economy Books of the Year by ProMarket in 2021. Angela's second book "High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy" was released by the Oxford University Press in March 2024. Angela is currently doing research on the regulation of artificial intelligence, with plans to teach and write on this topic in the coming years. 
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Praises and Endorsements

"Zhang’s 'High Wire' is the single best book for those who need to understand China's regulation of its tech markets."

-Tim Wu

Former Special Assistant to President Biden for Technology and Competition Policy, 2021-2023

​"Zhang has a knack for sifting through disparate, seemingly random policy directives to find the unifying elements shaping China's world."

-Don Weinland

 The Economist

"A masterful analysis...Truly insightful, highly compelling, and a timely read by one of the foremost experts of the Chinese regulatory state."

-Anu Bradford

Columbia Law School

"An indispensable study..."

-J. H.H. Weiler,

NYU School of Law

"[A]ddresses some of the most critical issues of our time as geopolitical fault lines begin to form..."

-Cheng Li


High Wire Book Trailer
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